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Sunday, April 14, 2013

The nerve

"Are you a big private donor here?" interrupted a broad I had never seen before while I was talking to one of the lifeguards the other day.  We were discussing the fact that they collapse the lanes 15 minutes early to accomodate the elderly aquafit class, thus depriving us of swim time.  You can do quite a few laps in 15 minutes. 

"As a matter of fact, I am a private donor," I replied.  "Well, if you have a big mouth you have to give big money," she snapped.  My friend "D" was slack-jawed in the next lane.  Here was this female Michael-Phelps-wanna-be in an all-white outfit -- bathing cap, jacket, swim pants -- the whole enchilada, telling me which end was up.  Who did she think she was? 

We have had an issue at the pool because of the 15 minutes they used to give the old ladies to lumber into the water to get ready for their not-really-aquafit chat class.  D and I met with the aquatics' director the other day and it has been resolved; they now get only five minutes to descend the stairs.  But this woman butting in on my conversation with the lifeguard about the change was unbelieveable.  By the way, she couldn't swim worth a sh-t, kept having to pass her.

Why do some women make themselves so unattractive and annoying?  There is another one who is aggravating.  Very aggressive, in her mid fifties, she simply will not let me go first when we finish a lap.  Today it was the same show.  I continually had to pass her.  Just makes me crazy when swimmers do not observe pool etiquette. 

Well, back in the pool and it's the same-old-same-old.  I do love it!

By the way, Calgary is into Spring in a big way.  We just had a 15 cm-snow dump.  Yuck.  Can't wait for our Texas grandchildren to visit here and experience a real Calgarian/Canadian winter with a ton of snow up to here, instead of the fake snow dump they have at their local swim club.    


  1. Sadly you have summarized the reasons why I have all but abandoned the pool in favour of the gym.
    Accomodating the elderly aquafit classes which consist of reducing then to bob up and down like geriatric tea bags as well as rude and obnoxious swimmers that clog swim lanes left me uglier after my swim than I was before I slipped into the water.
    Why do some people make themselves so unattractive and annoying?
    Because bad attention is better than no attention at all. Jealous that you are a "big private donor" who is gregarious with the pool staff and actually has an opinion.
    Besides, how else can you explain her ridiculous Michael-Phelps-wanna-be all-white outfit.
    As the kids I work with say, "Bitch please!"

    1. Yes, you know them all! No one has a finger on the pulse of women better than you! Afterall, they sit in front of you all day. I must say, I admire your grace and tact.
