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Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Oh, you'll probably never get rid of that," said S in the pool locker room the other day.  We were discussing the cellulite under my arms.  I had just grabbed it and complained about its sheer ugliness.  No matter how much weight I have lost, that bloody cellulite just hangs on -- literally.

Sleeveless?  Gone.  I also have it in a couple of other unmentionable places and I know it won't disappear from those either.  My neck is another area I'd like to deal with.  We look in the mirror, as we are applying our makeup, and we see a not-bad face.  Then our eyes drop to our necks.  Chicken is the word that springs to mind. 

In 15 days I will have yet another birthday.  I will be "blank-six" and I can't believe it!

Footnote:  Just got word one of my ex-bosses is retiring.  She was not an ideal manager to say the least, but they are having a huge party for her at the RA Centre in Ottawa.  A peerless nit-picker and dedicated clock-watcher, SW always focussed on the trivial.  A perfect bureaucrat.  Having come from the Sudbury Tax Centre, she thought everyone needed to behave as if we were serving a public counter.  The other problem with her was that she actually believed because she was my boss, she automatically knew more about everything than I.  Wrong.  I am a writer, and a pretty good one, but she edited and edited and re-edited my field visit reports for months at a time.  By the time she was satisfied, the players were long gone.  To get around this, I used to send "drafts" to the field to get the job done.  She was not a champion of other women.  As I have said so often, never underestimate envy in the workplace.                  

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