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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Never thought the day would come.........

.......when I would be wearing Dr. Scholl's.  But it arrived Friday.  Just thinking about Dr. Scholl's made me cringe.  Remember those hideous wooden clogs of the 70s?  Every loser wore them, thinking they were the latest in fashion statements........for the boring and monotonous, maybe.  They were replaced a few years later by the famous Birkenstock -- another replusive item. 

(You know, I have to confess I actually bought a pair of Birkenstock's one summer, when we were guests at a friend's cottage.  I had recalled from a previous visit that every woman up there wore Birkenstock's, so in a delusional and misguided effort to "fit in", I actually bought a pair.  What a mistake.  They went with none of my outfits, were ridiculously expensive, gruesome and downright ugly.  I mean, what does footwear such as that do for the calf?  Zero.) 

Anyway, needed new winter boots, the $19.95 "Bum" ones I had had for four years having finally died.  Purchased at Walmart, they had done yeoman service, so out we struck for the nearest Walmart. 

Unfortunately, they no longer carried "Bum's".  "But these Dr. Scholl's are excellent," said the clerk, leading us over to another aisle.  Dr. Scholl's, I thought, me?  Never!  But after thoroughly researching every boot in the place, I realized they were actually the best buy.  And at $49.95, they were good value -- even though they didn't come close to the $19.95 of yesteryear.  I am damned if I will pay more than $50 bucks for boots -- and that's tops. 

So, much to my chagrin, diedhard high-heel lover that I am, I am also now the wearer of Dr. Scholl's.

Will wonders never cease.     

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