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Saturday, November 10, 2012

What is wrong with Canadians?!

Just read that the Edmonton Board of Education has decided that due to parental pressure, it will now allow students to "opt out" of Remembrance Day services because of their religion.  Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!$%&*(#%!!!

How dumb and "Canadian" can you get.  Remembrance Day is not about religion.  It is about the men and women who fought and died to protect the rights of those appalling people to practice their religion in Canada -- the same people who have now decided to "opt out" of honouring them.  How pathetic and enraging is that!

Am I beside myself?  You bettcha!  Canada's welcome mat has now become a doormat for all kinds of "constitutional rights and freedoms".  Whatever happened to being "Canadian"?  We are pathetic.

But we are not alone.  Just watched a BBC news commentary program that featured four journalists:  two British, one Chinese and one Arabian.  Guess who did not sport a poppy?  Yep, the Arab.  There he is, making a ton of dough in London, but won't wear a poppy.  Sickening. 

Tomorrow we honour our war dead.  My darling uncle Rollie is a WWII veteran and still thriving at 97!  He has many medals, which he wears proudly at every service they hold in his care home.  Get out and attend a ceremony, or watch the national service on CBC.  We are so indebted to these wonderful and brave people. 



  1. Allowing students to opt out of Remembrance Day services, in which we pay respect and honour everyone who has made sacrifices for our rights and freedom is a travesty!
    Alberta school board spokeswoman Jane Sterling states the reason is because some ceremonies involve prayer. Whether one adheres to Christian beliefs or not, sensibilities should in no way be offended by being present during prayer to honour these brave men and women with simply observing a moment of silence at the ceremony.
    A parent that allows their children to opt out while living in Canada and taking full advantage of the freedom secured by our veterans should be ashamed.

  2. It's completely pathetic. These people should be horse-whipped, as the old expression says.

  3. Could'nt agree more. Hairburner said it perfectly. However, now that I am reading B's book The Clash of Civilizations etc - it's easy to see that this is just the beginning of what we are(or our children)going to have to put up with in the future. What World War's did the
    Muslums or Arabs fight in????? However, they
    shall be ruling the World in the 22nd Century if not sooner!!!!! My father was in both world Wars as a Captian in the Army.
    Your correct when you say - what hs happened to Canadians?????? Another throught provoking article. Good for you Nancy.
    Barbara Ann MacMahon-Firestone.
