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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Not as bad, but still

A few years ago, I was gingerly crossing an icy Ottawa street when a young man came up behind me.  "May I help you across the intersection?" he asked.  Man, that was the limit.  Was I that old looking?!  Did he really think he had to help a little-old-lady across the street!!?? 

That's it, I thought, I'm officially old.  How depressing.  Today at the self-check-out in the supermarket the same thing happened.  "Here, I'll do that for you," said the clerk usually stationed to help those of us who continually foul up the equipment.  If I hear "please place the item back on the scanner and wait" one more time I'll scream. 

Today she wasn't busy and simply checked me out.  This meant she bypassed the weight deal with her card and was able to bag the groceries and place them directly in my cart.  She also knew all the codes for the no-code items, saving me hours of surfing the alphabet looking for "tomatoes roma", or something.

Eternally grateful, I was surprised when she told me that a lot of "older customers" (code for "people like you") get upset when she offers help.  "They think I think they can't do it."  Bulletin, bulletin, bulletin:  we can't.

I hope I don't get terminally ill in Quebec, where they have just introduced a new, improved assisted suicide law.  Your loving family will now be able to off you more easily.

Sad.  Quebec used to be the most Catholic province in the country.  Now they just kill people.   

1 comment:

  1. Great article and very very true. Quebec is becoming a large joke internationally. Just heard from some of my family/friends from Peruga, Italy. They asked if my sons life in Quebec?? Of course I said yes. They said but it is 3rd world NO? I said No just filled with Mafia, and empty churches!!!!
