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Friday, July 12, 2013

Swimming, The Queen and Indians


"You can't visit and chat when you do the 2K swim," warned "L" at the pool the other day.  She's right, I thought.  She's the one who swims 100 laps at a time, down from 125 (the slacker).  Although I swim hard, I do stop, laugh, chat and visit between laps.  So, today I did 60 without stopping or chatting.  Felt great.  Am now not worried about the 80 I will have to do to make up the 2K that is the swim in Lake Windermere mid-August. 

Have to rent a wetsuit.  Arms or not?  That is the great locker-room debate at the moment.  "Do you get cold swimming," asked one woman.  How do I know?  Probably not, having been raised on a diet of freezing cold Gatineau lake waters from May 24th on.  Will the arms bug me?  No clue?  I hope it's not too much drag because that will make the effort much harder.    

The Queen

Read today that three people are challenging the fact they have to swear allegiance to The Queen when they become Canadian citizens.  How disgusting.  Canada is a constitutional monarchy and guess what, The Queen is the Head of it.  82% of Canadians want the Senate abolished, that's how ill-informed they are about our constitution.  You can't abolish the Senate without opening up the constitution.  And who wants to do that?!  Nothing but a Pandora's box.  Challenge allegiance to The Queen?  Don't become a Canadian.  Go back whence you came.  Period, the end. 


The grand chief of the Manitoba "nation", Derek Napinak, has formally and publically challenged Shawn Atleo and disputed Atleo's legitimacy in dealing with the federal government.  See, that's what's wrong with the Indians; can't get their act(s) together.  Fight among yourselves?  You'll always lose. 

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