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Sunday, July 14, 2013

What's wrong with Americans?

First it was Jodi Arias -- some ditz who killed her boyfriend.  Then it was George Zimmerman -- a guy who killed a black kid.  Who cares?  With the Arias trial, I thought she must have been someone famous, else why would the airwaves be smothered in it.  With Zimmerman, I thought the victim must have been famous. 

But no.  They were just a couple of nobodies -- victims and perps.  Now Zimmerman has been found not guilty, so the networks were covering..........nothing...........all the time..........forever.  Naturally, the black community is blaming race.  Can we not get over the Civil War? 

And to think they ignored the Vincent Lam case.  Remember that one?  This was a guy who beheaded a fellow passenger on a greyhound bus a few years ago, just outside Winnipeg.  Beheaded him live! 

That's the good old Excited States of America, as an American colleague used to dub it.  That's why I never watch CNN or any other US broadcaster.  They perpetrate the inward-looking, me-only view Americans hold so dear.         

1 comment:

  1. I quit cable - and news-watching - six months ago. Never been happier. I was interested in the Zimmerman verdict, though.

    Combined with the Paula Deen tempest-in-a-teacup, I hope the liberal media and the Reverends Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are proud for making this country the most racially divided it has been since George Wallace and Selma Alabama.

    Regarding "whois".. agreed... let me add the Kardashians, Bethany Frankel, Miley Cyrus?? But the tabloids (tv and print) keep pumping out tidbits to an audience willing, apparently, to pay and pay attention.

    "No one in this world, so far as I know - and I have searched the record for years, and employed agents to help me - has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people."
    .... HL Mencken
